Pangea and tectonic plates
At first, all the continental plates got together and formed a super continent called Pangea. Then, it splitted into the continents we know today. This process took millions of years and plates are still moving.
There are different types of plate boundaries. One of them is the constructive movement, in which two plates chash each other. Another one is when two plates move one next to each other, it is called conservative movement. The last one is called destructive movement, and it is when a plate goes down another one. The place where this movement occurs is called subduction or destructive zone. There, the crust that goes doen melts into magma, that goes out in volcanoes. A convection current is when there is so much pressure that forces plates to separate.
When there is a tsnami, you can see that all the water goes back to the ocean or sea, byt then cames back like a gigant wave that takes everything with it.
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