
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2015

Proceso artístico y creativo

;IDENTIDAD ¿Qué ven mis ojos? Mis ojos ven... Técnica: lapiz negro y valores lineales. Mis ojos miran alrededor: Dibujo a un compañero Técnica: grafismos con fibras o microfibras y acuarelas. Mis ojos reconocen el cuerpo: Observo mis manos y busco su significado Técnica:lapiz blanco y lapiz de color sobre fondo blanco Represento un significado elegido Técnica: mixta(collage, tempera y lapiz de color) Uso de colores primarios a partir del reconocimiento de las manos. Representación simbólica a través del cuerpo humano: Pienso en el significado de la palabra elegida(en mi caso la palabra "ayudar"). Y la represento con mi cuerpo: Escultura: trabajando con materiales reutilizables sintetizo en formas y color el significado de mi palabra - - ¿Qué vieron mis ojos?: obserbo diferentes paisajes de la Argentina en donde alla estado o que alla visitado Analizo sus formas y texturas y las represento en un dibujo creando texturas visuales Técnica:acuarela Técnica:collage

The shepherd boy and his lies

Once, a naughty shepherd boy played a trick on the villagers. He said that a wolf was attacking the sheep but there wasn't any wolf there, he fooled all of them! Then he did it again and the villagers believed him. One day a wolf was attacking the sheeps, so the boy went to alert the villagers but nobody believed him. Finally, villagers went to see that there wasn't any wolf and that it was another trick. But instead thay saw dead sheep all around on the grass.

The Life Of Thomas Alva Edison


One Day At MacDuck's Fast Food

One day I was at the MacDuck’s Fast Food shop that is on the corner of the street. It is the best Fast Food Shop of my town so everybody go there to eat, evenly boys very young and disrespectful with the rules of the shop. One sunny day I reservated a table at there so I didn’t have to lost time at the line outside. The Shop was very crowded, noisy and it smelled cigarette smell, that was unusual because it was prohibited to smoke there. While I was going to my reservated table the smell was getting strnoger and stronger. I sitted and that was the moment when I realized where was that ugly and unusual smell comming from,two boys of 14 years old were smoking while there was a poster that said that is prohibited to smoke at their backs. I told the waiter what I had see. He went to the table of the boys and told them to stop smoking but they didn’t worry so the waiter called the dicipline master of the boys and told him the situation. The master went inmediatly to the Fast Food Shop and g...

Writing about my self:Robert

Robert      I think I’m quite serious,  a good listener and I have sense of humour.      I like to take photographys, but I also love writing poetry. I love it so much that I spend 5 months writing a book that was published last year.      I am a very active person and I spend a lot of time playing sports like hiking, mountain climbing  and the sport that I like very much is the sailing, I was on the second place of siling on a competition.      My hobbie is travelling. I am making plans to the future to travel to Africa because there I can take photos of the dowildlife.

Writing about my self

✔️I think I’m a good listener person and a very dreamer person too ✔️I like to see videos of gameplays or of crafts. I’m also good being a “chef”. ✔️What I HATE is to do sports exept to do Tennis, but not to be profecional or go to classes, only to play when I want and when I can. ✔️My hobbie is trabelling, because my parents take my sisters and me to a lot pf places like Europe, EEUU.......but I realy enjoy it because i love to see other places, cultures, landscapes and beaches. ✔️My plans to the future is to go to Tailandia because a lot of persons told me that was very nice.

El agua y sus propiedades

A continuación les dejo un mapa conceptual sobre el agua y sus propiedades:

Propiedades del agua

Les dejo una imagen editada en ThingLink sobre H2O y sus propiedades.

¿Qué pasa con el talco y el agua juntos?

Hicimos un TP en el laboratorio que consistía en: poner en un tarro con agua talco. Vimos que el talco no se hundía gracias a la TENSIÓN SUPERFICIAL(la fuerza en la que las moléculas de agua se mantienen juntas y como el talco es muy liviano no se hunde).

Musical-izando mitos

Hicimos una canción basada en el mito "Penelope y Ulises" junto con Felipe, Azul y Renzo. Eh Penélope Eh Penélope Es una chica muy normal, y los pretendientes la fueron a buscar Y ella no quiso terminar de tejer: ese manto real Eh Penélope  Eh Penélope Estuvo esprando a su amante Eh Penélope  Nuestra canción esta basada en la canción "Eh Vegetta":

Teorema de Pitágoras

Hoy 20/8 en la clase de matemáticas aprendimos el teorema de pitágoras

¿Flotará el huevo en el agua?

Hicimos un experimento en el laboratorio donde: 1-Metimos en un vaso con agua un huevo. 2-Le agregamos sal fina 3-Vimos que el huevo comienza a subir hasta que llega a la superficie. El objetivo fue hacer que el huevo flote y se hunda utilizando sal, 1 huevo, agua, 1 cuchara y frascos.

"The Canterville Ghost"

"The Canterville Ghost" is a terrific story. If you want to see a good musical, this is the story you're looking for. It has a happy ending and very good actors! Also, the story has lots of popular songs, so if you're a mucician or you only like music, you should see it.

Probando ThingLink...

Acá les dejo mi prueba en ThingLink, una app para modificar imágenes insertando vídeos, imágenes, audios y texto.

From nomad to farmer

  The earliest people in North America, called Native Americans, were nomads. They travelled to Asia ,crocing the Ice Bridge that was during the Ice Age, looking for food. Then, they started to have permanent settlements and learned how to work on agriculture. After this change they didn't move anymore and looked for permanent homes near water sources, but they were still slowly when they migrate. They had to adapt to all these changes.

The scape of the tortoise...

Once a Tortoise lived in a pond with two Ducks, they were very friends. Then the pond became very low and dry up. The ducks decided to fly to another region, take me with you!" said the Tortoise, but she couldn't fly away! The Ducks thought of a way to take her: they would make her fly but if she open her mouth she would die. They passed throw the city, the Tortoise opened her mouth,—and fell to the ground. That was a very bad way to die!