The story of my life:Dalila(Anne Frank)

Let's star with the story of my life...I'm Dalila, I was born in Italy on January 19th 1943. I live with my mother, father and my brother, called Nicolas. Today I'm going to tell you why I am writing: When I was 20 years old and I was dinning with my mother, a nice and friendly woman, and with my father and Nicolas, a strange person was knoking on the door. I was scared because he started to say mad things. He entered ourhouse and stole everything but not you, my diary! My father gave you to me when I was 3 years old but I never used you.
Today I bought a camaleon. It wasn't an usual day, I usually eat, work, eat, play, eat and sleep, I had to buy everything for the camaleon. I SPENT ALL DAY DOING THAT!!!


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