Today climate change is a life threatening issue
Did you ever thought about why every year cold climates are much cooler and warm climates are hotter? This is due to a global issue called climate change, which threatens all life on the Earth. This process has devastating effects in the present, which intensify each second. That is why we must change our mindset and start to repair the damage we have done to our home; the Earth.

Some people state that there is nothing humans can do to solve climate change. Nevertheless, Greta Thunberg has proved them wrong. Greta is a young, european activist who aims to inform everyone about climate change and inspire them to change. She states that countries have to lower emissions or by the year 2050 climate change and its consequences will become unfixable. This is due to the fact that climate change makes the Earth warmer and an increase of 1ºC in its temperature is already causing desertification, melting of ice caps and the loss of corals, which are vital for life on Earth. Moreover, a future increase of 2ºC would cause the loss of all coral reefs and most animals, along with apocalyptic floods in coastal areas.
As a conclusion, we must change our habits or we will be doomed to lose the coming war: "climate change". I agree with Greta's statement in her Ted Talk that "Pçpoliticians should stop flying around the globe talking about reducing emissions" since that is hypocritical as flying emmits huge numbers of greenhouse gases. Also due to the fact that most politicians talk but do nothing.
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