“The Prison”, written by Bernard Malamud, is about a man called Tommy who has ruined his life stealing and now he wants to help a little girl, who is committing the same errors that ruined Tommy’s life. In this essay the characters Tommy, Rosa and the little girl are going to be analysed.
Tony Castelli is a man with a bad past that affects him in the present. He had stolen things. In consequence, now his life seems to be a prison because he is forced to work in an awful, boring candy store and also to marry Rose, who once changed his name Tony to “Tommy”. He hopes to become a shoe maker since child. He is not entirely a bad person because, although he stole things, he wants to help a little girl who was making the same mistakes he did. He desperately wants to change his life and be free of responsibilities, of Rosa and of his candy store. “It was this sick-in-the-stomach feeling of being trapped in old mistakes”.
The little girl, with ten years old, lives near Tommy’s candy store. The girl is very innocent and has got dark eyes and very light skin. Her name is unknown in the story. However she seems to be innocent, she is a trouble maker. She is very similar to her mother and her father is dead. She is also courageous because she steals things of the store of Tommy for her mother and for herself without even minding the consequences. This happens every Monday. “The girl had disappeared, but he saw a white hand reach into the candy case for a chocolate bar and for another, then she came forth from behind the counter and stood there, innocently waiting for him”.
Tommy Castelli and the little girl were the characters analysed on this essay. I believe that Tommy Castelli wants to help the little girl to have a better future but the little girl does not mind. Apart from this, in my opinion Rosa should let Tommy be free and she also should work more hours.
(Words: 349)
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