
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2016


As the e nd of the year project we made a film trailer about Blithe Spirit: 


This is a mindmap about USA during the 20's and the 30's and about the USSR Done with Luna and Sofia

Inventos que cambiaron el mundo

Con Agus  hicimos un cuadro con información sobre los inventos utilizados en los viajes de descubrimiento y exploración. Inventos Origen Características Importancia Pólvora http://historiaybiografias.com/la_polvora/ La pólvora, el primer explosivo conocido, fue descubierta por casualidad en China en torno al siglo IX. Su hallazgo parece ser fruto de las investigaciones de algún alquimista que, en su búsqueda del elixir de la eterna juventud, dio por accidente con la fórmula del explosivo. De hecho las primeras referencias a la pólvora las encontramos en textos herméticos advirtiendo de los peligros de mezclar determinadas sustancias Video de compuestos químicos que arden o se descomponen rápidamente generando grandes cantidades de gas y calor, y los consiguientes efectos de presión repentinos. En el siglo X ya se utilizaba con propósitos militares en forma de cohetes y bombas explosivas lanzadas desde catapultas. Se sabe que ya en el año 1126 se util...

¿Desde donde hacia el Caribe?

Trabajamos con los viajes de exploración y descubrimiento. Hicimos un mapa con todos los viajes que se realizaron hacia el Caribe.  

Bitácora del descubrimiento

Escribimos la bitácora de Juan de Grijalva en su viaje al Caribe: A mag created with Madmagz .

Celulas de tomate

Vimos celulas de tomate en el microscopio con aumento 1x100:

Células de banana

Vimos una célula de banana en un microscopio con aumento 1x100: Célula de banana: Célula de banana con sus amiloplastos teñidos:

Essay about “The Prison”

    “The Prison”, written by Bernard Malamud, is about a man called Tommy who has ruined his life stealing and now he wants to help a little girl, who is committing the same errors that ruined Tommy’s life. In this essay the characters Tommy, Rosa and the little girl are going to be analysed.      Tony Castelli is a man with a bad past that affects him in the present. He had stolen things. In consequence, now his life seems to be a prison because he is forced to work in an awful, boring candy store and also to marry Rose, who once changed his name Tony to “Tommy”. He hopes to become a shoe maker since child. He is not entirely a bad person because, although he stole things, he wants to help a little girl who was making the same mistakes he did. He desperately wants to change his life and be free of responsibilities, of Rosa and of his candy store. “It was this sick-in-the-stomach feeling of being trapped in old mistakes”.   Th...

La Lluvia

Este es un video con todos los trabajos dentro del proyecto "La Lluvia" que hicimos en la clase de educación artística:

La Comunidad Andina

Animales Imaginarios

A partir de descripciones hechas por Jorge Luis Borges en su libro "Seres Imaginarios" hicimos estos dibujos.

Proyecto: Pájaro del Alma


Here you have a digital poster about Russia during the times of Tsar Nicholas II

Nicholas II

This is a digital poster about the Tsar Nicholas II of Russia

How did Stalin controlled Russia?

How Stalin controlled Russia? What were the purges? What was the New Constitution? How Stalin was seen by people? On this precentation you will find the answers!

Go Lenin!

We made a poster supporting Lenin.   On the upper part of the poster we can see that I wrote "The whites" strikethrough and with crosses because it's representing that the red army is beter than the white amry. Words like "Winners" and  "Loyal" are on the right part of the poster as adjectives of the red army. There is also a decorated hammle and sinkle, which was a communist symbol.    On the left part of the poster there is a big photo of Lenin with his name on capital letters. Above him, but not representing he was better than Lenin, there is a photo of Trotsky. Trotsky's photo is smaller than Lenin's one because he had not got the same power than Lenin but he had to be on the poster because he was the right hand of Lenin. S orrounding Lenin. There are words and phrases like "Success", "Strong", "The best" and "Take care of his soldiers" to please Lenin, so he would like the poster.