Books V.S. E-Books
Books and e-books:
The differences and Similarities
Are e-books better than books?
This question is asked by a lot of people. Having read the two types of books, I can say that there are a lot of similarities, as well as big differences.
Books and e-books have many things in common... Both can be read and there is a story inside. In both cases images can appear.
There are big differences everyone should know. Books are more expensive than e-books and the text on the books is more reliable and controlled before being published. When books are made trees are cut down, and then the environment gets contaminated because trees can't absorb CO2 and leave O2 out. That isn't the case of e-books, which people can read everywhere only with his or her cell-phone or computer. E-books have more information, which can be accessed easily and faster. If you are reading an e-book you can see videos, audios and other things. But a disadvantage is that your eyes get hurt because you're a lot of time looking at a screen and if you don't have energy on your computer or movile or even if you don't have an electrical device or wi-fi you can't access any e-book.
Changing books to e-books or e-books to books may seem scary, but take a chance because both have good things. Even though changing the format of what we read will take time to adapt and feel comfortable, then you'll be pleased with the new format.
>Mayra Schliemann<
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